הרצאות מקצועיות

Social Distancing and Interactions: Challenges for Adults with Age Related Hearing Loss in the Era of COVID-19

שם המרצה: Prof. Barbara Weinstein, Prof. Boaz Ben David, Dr. Limor Lavie
תוכן ההרצאה:

Prof. Barbara Weinstein - COVID, Age Related Hearing Loss, and Loneliness: The Connections
Prof. Boaz Ben David - Cognitive and Communication Challenges for Older Adults During COVID-19 Social Distancing
Dr. Limor Lavie - Hearing Rehabilitation in Older Adults and COVID-19: New Considerations for Old Challenges

מידע על המרצים:
Barbara Weinstein A Professor of Audiology at the Graduate Center, CUNY and the founding Executive Officer of Doctoral Programs in Public Health, Nursing Science and Physical Therapy at the Graduate Center, CUNY. Dr. Barbara Weinstein earned her PhD in Audiology from Columbia University where she began her career as an Academic!! A recognized opinion leader in the field of audiology, Dr. Weinstein is the author of both editions of the text titled Geriatric Audiology and is the co-developer of the family of Hearing Handicap Inventories. The Hearing Handicap Inventories have been translated into 20+ different languages and is the most widely used patient reported outcome measure used to document hearing aid outcomes, efficacy of rehabilitation/counseling/e-rehabilitation and the benefits of cochlear implants. Dr. Weinstein is currently engaged in public health research in non-traditional settings including hospital emergency departments and in naturally occurring retirement communities (NORCS).Boaz M. Ben-David, Ph.D. an associate professor at the School of Psychology, the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, where he heads the Communication, Aging and Neuropsychology lab (CANlab). He holds adjunct faculty positions at the University of Toronto (Department of Speech-Language Pathology) and at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute. He is interested in the interaction of cognitive, sensory and social processes involved in speech processing and production, especially with older adults. He is also interested in the complex interplay that governs the perception of emotions in speech, in different populations.Limor Lavie, PhD, a senior lecturer and the head of audiology studies in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders in the University of Haifa. She has earned her BA degree in communication sciences and disorders and her MA degree in linguistics, both from Tel-Aviv University, and her PhD from the University of Haifa. She is an active clinician who heads a large audiology clinic and an expert in hearing rehabilitation. She is a board member in the Israeli Speech Hearing and Language Association (ISHLA) and the head of the Audiology Sub-Committee on Hearing Technology in the International Association of Communication Sciences and Disorders (IALP). Dr. Lavie is interested in the plasticity of the auditory system in older adults and in the effects of various factors on hearing rehabilitation outcomes

עוד הרצאות מקצועיות

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